Thursday, March 8, 2012


“Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid predicted that Democrats will have enough votes to defeat the amendment. The Nevada Democrat said ‘everyone should calm down on Keystone,’ because the southern part of the project is proceeding and efforts are underway to address environmental concerns raised by the original route.”[1]

Why, I would ask, are the “environmental concerns” of such importance?  Certainly, we do bear a huge responsibility to properly manage the natural resources created by God.  But the environmentalists are consistently holding this nation hostage, this time with respect to the Keystone XL pipeline.  Not only that, but POTUS is lobbying members of the United States Senate, instructing them to vote down a Republican measure that would force the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline.

How about being concerned about the fuel costs to the rest of the Americans?  Gasoline prices have doubled since the President took office, and he is doing nothing to improve the situation.  He lies when he says he is.  The pain Americans feel when they fill their tanks is somewhat self-inflicted, in that Congress and the President allow themselves to be controlled and manipulated by the fringe enviro-nuts.  We cannot afford a second term!

Environmentalism IS an Enemy of the State!

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