Monday, January 30, 2012

Oh, Yeah, Let's Be Equal..."the rest of the story"

So if you've read Mark Levin's new book, you have seen that the "masterminds" want to make everyone "equal"...but it's not what you may think.

I found this video (scroll down to second one) of Obama's Axelrod talking about Mitt Romney and how his income is taxed "unfairly" because the rules that are in place are wrong.  He decries Romney's effective tax rate of 15% on his investments as somehow being unfair.  What he does not talk about is the fact that the money Romney has invested was already taxed at 35% and that the 15% is the captial gains tax rate.  So Romney paid 35% on the money he earned, and then pays an additional 15% on the money that original money made for him.  What's so wrong with that?

Don't get me wrong...I'm not certain about Romney and his GOP cred.  It's just that the media (and Obama's minions) fail to tell "the rest of the story".

Beware, folks, of the misinformation that is being pedaled out there!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America

Mark Levin's new book should be required reading for all 12th grade Government students--at least.  'Twould be better if all high school students were required to read it, but we all know that will never happen.  Reading this book, I learned more about how the Founders came to establish our Republic than all of my prior education and reading put together.

Levin takes the reader through various "ideals" of government, beginning with Plato's Republic, and he succinctly and clearly lays out the "vision" of those he discusses.  Plato, Hobbs, More, and Marx--all preached a similar "vision" in which the individual exists for benefit of the state.

Levin then discusses Locke and de Touqueville--Locke's influence on the Framers and de Touqueville's experience visiting the United States in the 19th century.

This book is an amazing read, providing understanding as to how America started out, and discussing where we are today.  And we are in dire straits.  Administrative law has crushed the American spirit in a way that stifles economic growth.  Levin refers to the Administrative Law section of government as the "unconstitutional fourth branch of government".  More on them later.

Every American who cares for this country--even a little bit--should read this book.  Those who do will walk away with a completely changed perspective regarding what has, does, and will happen in this country.

Taxation with Representation: When Those Who Govern Do Not Pay Their "Fair Share"

So in his State of the Union address a couple of nights ago, the President talked extensively about "fairness" and people "paying their fair share".   Well, Mr. President, how about all those people currently working for you who have not paid their own taxes?

Today, we read:  "36 Obama aides owe $833,000 in back taxes".  REALLY?  And that's not the half of it.  Employees in the US Senate, in the House of Representatives, Homeland Security, Department of Education--these Federal employees owe major back taxes.  Problem is, no one is doing anything about it.

Not surprisingly, the Treasury Department have tax scofflaws too...of course, who can blame them?  The Treasury Secretary himself owed $42,000 in back taxes at the time of his nomination to the position. 

In the end, then, we have the opposite situation as did those fine folks who revolted against England in the 18th century.  Instead of "no taxation without representation", our cry today must be "taxation with representation, but only for certain people".

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Enemy of the State: Environmentalism Part III

So Obama caved to the envronmentalists and refused to sign off on the Keystone XL pipeline.  His "excuse" was worthless.  Here America is, in the depths of a major recession (read: depression), over 8.5% unemployment, more citizens on food stamps than ever before, businesses moving out of the country, small businesses unable to risk hiring, and Obama--who claims to want to "create jobs" goes thumbs down on a project that would have provided employment to tens of thousands, would have generated an incredible amount of money in taxes, and would have cut down our dependence on foreign oil.

But no, Obama thought his plan for America was more important...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Newt Neutered John King from CNN!

Watching the debate last night proved worthwhile.  CNN's John King, the moderator, decided to start with a question related to Gingrich's ex-wife's allegations against him.  Never mind the allegations first appeared two years ago, and supposedly occurred 12 or 13 years ago.

I find it weird that ABC decided to air the interview immediately before the primary in South Carolina, but certainly not surprising!  Anyone who pays attention these days (and for the last 15-20 years) will see that most of the media does not "report" the news, but seeks to create it.  Of course, when Clinton had the affair with the White House intern, IN the White House, the media said it was no one's business.  And Clinton was tried for lying under oath!

No, I am not defending Gingrich for his sins.  I am merely pointing out the inconsistency in the liberal media, which is less and less disguised as time marches on.  After all, who has never transgressed the Moral Law of God?  Let him who is without sin...