Thursday, March 8, 2012


Everyone was jumping up and down screaming about the terminology used by Rush Limbaugh in discussing the imbedded Sandra Fluke at Georgetown University Law School.  Fluke, a 30 year old “student”, apparently enrolled at Georgetown for the express purpose of getting the Jesuit run Roman Catholic University to violate their beliefs and provide contraception coverage to its students and employees.  The Democrats then served her up on a platter to testify before a Congressional Committee regarding yet another “entitlement”—something the Dem’s are really good at doing.

This was nothing more than an extension of the President’s order to the Roman Catholic Church to provide contraception abortion coverage to their employees.  (See this post)  What the President ordered is nothing less than un-Constitutional.  He does not have the authority to issue such an order.  Obama’s declaration on February 10, 2012, wherein he announced a plan that “attempts to accommodate certain religious employers opposed to a rule that would require them to provide access to birth control for women free of charge.”[1]

So, the focus is on Rush, and not on the anti-Constitutional move by the President.

Of course, some of Rush’s limited show advertisers (as opposed to the thousands of local advertisers who advertise during the show) have abandoned him—much to their financial chagrin).  That’s okay, though, because others will immediately step forward to fill the void, and Rush’s listeners will spend their money on the new advertisers products. 

What follows are examples of the left being so very hypocritical[2]:

Regarding Laura Ingraham
Ed Schultz called me a slut last May...still waiting for Obama's call.  (March 3 at 11:50am)
"..this right-wing slut, what’s her name? Laura Ingraham? Yeah, she’s a talk slut!” Ed Schultz
See it here

Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a c**t…here

Not a word from the left on these comments…hmmmmm…

[2] With sincere thanks to my politically savvy son…

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