Monday, May 17, 2010

Napolitano's Turn in the Fish Barrel...

The Secretary of Homeland Security is another in a growing list of government officials who degrade, criticize, condemn, and pass judgment on Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law without having read it!

Secretary Janet Napolitano acknowledged, under questioning by Senator John McCain, that she had not read the law, but in the same breath, assured the Senator she would not have signed it. (Fast forward to 7:35 to get to the relevant content)

No wonder our government is broken! We have our Congress voting on legislation that they have not read—ie, Nancy Pelosi saying they had to pass the health care bill to find out what was in it.

As if that was not enough, we have other public officials being highly critical and disparaging of the Arizona legislation that they have not read—legislation that mirrors Federal law! Napolitano, Holder, and the President of the United States who said, “If you are an Hispanic American in Arizona, your great-grandparents may have been there before Arizona was even a state but now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, your going to be harassed, that’s something that could potentially happen, that’s not the right way to go,” Obama said during a town hall event in Iowa. It is so obvious that even Obama did not read the legislation! That is nothing short of disgraceful.

These people are not only incompetent, but they are not up to the job! If these kinds of bungled missteps took place in the private sector, they would be out on their ears, with the admonition “don’t let the door hit you in the…” That our tax dollars are going to pay for such idiocy is mind-boggling.

I can’t wait for November!

1 comment:

  1. Man, quotes like this make me realize how huge November will be. We cannot even fathom!
