Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Racism in Arizona? I Don't Think So...

So now, it seems, if someone is asked for their identification, that is a racist act. How inane can these people be???

The fact of the matter is that we ALL are asked for our identification every day, when we:
  • Use a check to pay for a purchase
  • Make a purchase of certain over the counter medications
  • Are stopped by the police for a traffic violation
  • Check into a hotel
  • Sign up for a gym membership
  • Start with a new physician
  • Purchase adult beverages if we appear to be on the younger side
  • Obtain or renew our drivers license
  • Apply for a Passport
  • And a myriad of other activities we engage in every single day!
Now the liberals have defined being required to show one's identification as "racist" if it occurs in the State of Arizona.

Arizona has it right. The law (here) is written very well (I've read it, have you?), and the accusation that "racial profiling" will take place is without merit. The Governor of Arizona has mandated that every peace officer in the state be trained in the implementation of the new law by June 30th. One can bet that officers in that State will be very careful in how they enforce the new law. It is a good tool, designed for the good of the people of the State of Arizona, and one can be assured they will not want to lose it in a court case.

Peace Officers will not be stopping people "willy nilly". Just as we are asked for our drivers license, registration, and proof of insurance when stopped by a police officer, Arizona officers will also ask for evidence of being in the United States legally if the person cannot produce the three previously mentioned documents.

Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles said the authorities’ ability to demand documents was like “Nazism.” Such speech is not only destructive, but does not contribute to the general good. Inflamatory speech such as his only highlights his ignorance. Any thoughtful person will see that while Obama is driving us toward socialism, the Arizona law is not in any way like Nazism.

The legislators in Arizona were well within their rights in passing the new law. The Federal government (currently read: Obama) has dramatically failed to secure our borders. Obviously, the Congress and the Executive branches of goverment did not learn anything from what happened on September 11th. Their failure gave the State of Arizona the green light to take matters into their own hands. The 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution gives the State the authority to deal with the problem.

Just as it is the responsibility of the Federal Government to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, it is the responsibility of each State to provide security for its citizens, particularly when the Federal Government FAILS to carry out its mandate.

Even Democrats in Arizona supported S.B. 1070! Seventy percent of Arizona residents favor the new law. So do I.

1 comment:

  1. The federal and state government has no right to protect their citizens from foreign aliens, but they can control how much salt is put in our food.......
