Friday, April 23, 2010

Environmentalism: Enemy of the State (Part I)

The second greatest enemy of this country is made up of the people who are part of the extreme environmental movement.

Certainly, we bear a responsibility to not pollute, a responsibility to manage the (as opposed to "our") natural resources, and a responsibility to not to waste what God has graciously allowed us to use.

Those who are the extremists engage in fraud, extortion, and outright theft.

For example, I interviewed a Vice President for Shappell Industries--one of the largest home builders in California--who told me that his company sets aside a certain percentage of the total cost of the project for the inevitable law suits that will come from the environmental groups. Those groups bring an action against the company, and "settle" out of court because they know that the builder does not want to litigate the issues in court because of the expense.

The environmentalists look at such building projects as "free money", and they use that money to fund their projects, others they want to go after.

Can anyone say Extortion?

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