Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Death Panels...

Driving home yesterday, I was listening to Mark Levin, which is something I do fairly regularly.  The man is brilliant, and not only understands, but can explain the United States Constitution. 

A man called during the second hour and identified himself as a neurosurgeon.  It should be noted that Levin’s folks vetted the guy, and confirmed he was who he said he was.

This doctor went on to explain that he had recently attended a conference in Washington, DC, sponsored, in part, by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.  During that conference, the doctors were provided information distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services discussing care for “units” (Obama-care speak for patients) over the age of 70 who had neurological issues such as a stroke or aneurism. 

These docs were informed that before a “unit” can be treated for stroke or aneurism, a group of “administrators”—not physicians—would have to make a determination as to whether or not the procedure would be worthwhile for the “unit”.  If a determination was made that intervention would not be beneficial, then the “unit” would be provided palliative care only—making the patient comfortable.  Translation: using narc drugs to relieve pain.  No surgery. 

So Sarah Palin was right—there will be “death panels” making determinations as to who receives treatment and who does not.

To hear the call, go to and click on show for 11/22/2011, and listen beginning at 44:30

The website for the Congress of Neurological Surgeons is:

They held their 61st Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, from October 1st to 6th, 2011, in Washington, DC, just as the caller said.

Look out folks, the socialists are coming at us at full speed!

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